Winning The SEO Jackpot
So, the largest jackpot in U.S. history, estimated at $700 million, could be yours if you play Powerball and if you win in Saturday night’s drawing.
Here is an important question to consider as you dream of the changes to your lifestyle with such staggering abundance: Are you ready to win and handle the mental and psychological shifts that you’ll face?
Contemplating this shift is in many ways similar to a business owner betting on his business and taking action to propel that business to greater heights of financial success.
But unlike the lottery player, the business owner has a better chance at winning… at beating the odds with
Odds of Winning the jackpot: Not So Great
According to published reports, the odds are one in 292.2 million, which means you’re really, really, really, really, really really, unlikely to take the pot. Your odds of getting struck by lightning in a year is about one in 960,000. And who wants that kind of pain from lightning… Ouch!
If you are looking to win big by getting more customers to find you on Google, you should buy your winning ticket with SEO Marketing, the internet marketing pro in Connecticut.
Click Here to start winning.
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